When I lived in Eastern Europe as well as in southern Asia my accent was always a question that came up. In Eastern Europe
this often came up when Europeans needed a tutor in English. They wanted British speakers for passing grammar tests, but wanted
"Americans" for conversational English. American accents were en vogue. One friend of mine one evening at a restaruant
asked me in a thick sounding British accent "ok what kind of accent do I have American or Brit?" I replied "You
have a British accent" in which he responded "Bloody hell!" Another friend from Britain (who loved harassing
Americans for their accents) was once in a conversation with me when i pointed out that in a BCC production on the history
of English mentioned that the Pacific NorthWest accent was the closing "living" pronounciation to original Shakespearean
English. Tim's comeback (with what to me sounded more like an Irish accent) to that was with a huge grin on his face was "that
is because your people have not evolved". But meeting other Europeans back then who had English teachers from Boston
and Texas could not figure out my accent. Which was ok with me since I often tried to pass myself off as a Scandinavian or
German. Even years ago in Portland friends that were not originally from Cascadia would often say "you are European right?
German or some Slav?" I would find it to be a compliment at frist because generally I can not stand most American accents
(especially southern, Texan or the nasally urban east). Sorry if I insulted anyone about that.
But Cascadians raised in this region do have an unique accent. Actually we tend to have the accent that the corporate
media use to cherish to the point that the big media syndicates would send reporters, anchor persons and pseudo-meteorologists
to be groomed for future mass consumption to Portland and Seattle. This was done to get rid of their midwest Scandinavian
influenced accents or especially the southern drawl that is often interpeted as a sign of "stupidity".
I do believe there is an intentional suppression of an uniqueness of Pacific NorthWest accent or dialect by outsiders
who want to claim anything west has no unique culture or history. That American nationalism would "white-wash" all
the Pacific NorthWest (or NorthEast Pacific or Cascadia) as white American settlers waiting for Manifest Destiny to take hold
from "sea to sea" and hence editing out of the Cascadian narrative countless people, cultures and historical events.
"Those who control the past, control the future; Those who control the future, control the present; Those who control
the present, control the past."~ 1984, George Orwell
I have posted articles about this in the past and how Chinook Jargon was heavily influential in creating an unique Cascadian
English. I have strongly suggested that we should use Chinook Jargon as another linguistic reservoir (as we often do with
French, Greek, Latin and other languages when we lack a word or a special essense of the situation).
So with all that said here is some new (and one not so new) articles with URLs:
Do You Speak Cascadian?
Take the test:
"Say 'caught' and 'cot' out loud. If you're a true Northwest speaker, the words will sound identical."
Do you say "pail" or "bucket"? If you're a true Northwest speaker, you say "bucket."
Is your voice "creaky" or "breathy"? Northwesterners sound creaky (whatever that means).
That's all according to a University of Washington linguist, who goes on to say, "Everyone thinks the Pacific Northwest
is too young a region to have our own dialect. It's discrimination."
Friday, May 20, 2005
Contrary to belief, local linguists say Northwest has distinctive dialect
Listen for the creaky voice, the strong "s" and the "low-back merger."
Most language experts believe the Pacific Northwest has no distinctive voice, no particular style or dialect. But some
local linguists think that's wrong -- or at least a long-standing academic prejudice that deserves a good challenge.
Jennifer Ingle, a 27-year-old Ballard native and student of language at the University of Washington, is one of them.
"Language is part of our identity," said Ingle. Just as the Scandinavian heritage of Ballard distinguishes it
from the rest of Seattle, she said, the evolution of language in the Northwest has progressed to the point where it can be
distinguished from the rest of the country.
The question for the experts now appears to be whether our version of the English language has evolved enough to be considered
a separate dialect.
"Linguists have generally assumed that the West is one dialect region," said Alicia Beckford Wassink, a UW professor
of linguistics and mentor to Ingle.
"That may have been the case in the 1800s, when the West was being settled and there was a mixing of dialects among
all the immigrants," said Wassink. But there's plenty of evidence now, she said, to suggest this region could have its
own distinctive dialect.
Northwest speak.
Ingle decided a year ago to study her own neighborhood for evidence of local dialect. To some extent, she said, growing
up in Ballard contributed to her interest in language.
"I used to hear people in my neighborhood speaking Norwegian," said Ingle, noting that despite her family's
Scottish heritage, one of her favorite foodstuffs is lefse -- a Nordic flatbread made from potatoes.
But Ingle's study of language in Ballard was not aimed at identifying any of the neighborhood's Nordic influences. Participants
were not asked to say, "Yah, sure, ya betcha." Rather, Ballard was selected as representative of the region because
it is one of the oldest communities in the state, with a well-established population of native speakers.
"All the participants were born in Seattle and grew up in Ballard," said Ingle. She focused just on variation
in vowel sounds because that is what most determines the different pronunciations in spoken American English.
Still, it should be noted that when Ingle presented her findings this week, it happened to be on the same day Ballard
was celebrating Norwegian Constitution Day, May 17. Her study of Northwest speech in Ballard was presented in Vancouver, B.C.,
at the annual meeting of the Acoustical Society of America.
Among the findings: Many locals, especially women, speak in what experts call "creaky voice"; we've done away
with a particular vowel used by Easterners; we really like to emphasize the "s" in words; we're not Californian
and we're not Canadian.
Other determinants of dialect include differences in vocabulary and grammar, added Wassink, which are also being looked
at in other linguistic studies at the UW.
"The Northwest is especially interesting because we have had almost nothing but immigration," Wassink said.
"And there hasn't been as much racial or ethnic segregation as in the East. For a linguist, it's a very interesting place."
So, why do so many women talk creaky here? What's that mean anyway?
"Bill Clinton is a good example of creaky," said Ingle. Clinton's folksy speech, in which his voice sounds both
scratchy and relaxed, is the opposite of "breathy" voicing, she said.
In the Northwest, Ingle's study indicates creaky voicing is popular -- especially among women. Breathy voicing, which
in extreme form sounds like Marilyn Monroe's birthday song for JFK, is not big in the Northwest.
Wassink said the local popularity of creaky voicing could be how we compensate for another feature of our speech style.
We've stopped using one vowel. Linguists work with 15 vowel sounds to describe spoken American English and we only use 14
of them.
Say "caught" and "cot" out loud. If you're a true Northwest speaker, the words will sound identical.
Linguists call this the "low-back merger" because we've merged these two vowel sounds. On much of the East Coast,
these same words will sound different. "Creaking is a way of making those distinctions that are being lost," Wassink
said. Just as Bostonians tend to compensate in their speech for removing the "r" from many words, she said, we might
speak creaky to compensate for refusing to use both vowels.
Another piece of evidence has to do with how Californians do something known as "fronting the vowel," Ingle
said. This is considered standard to Western dialect and occurs when a speaker pronounces "rude" as "ri-ood"
or "move" as "mi-oove."
"It's pretty funny sounding, actually," said Ingle, perhaps betraying a slight Northwest bias against all things
Native Northwest speakers do not do this, she said. If anything, they sound more Canadian. But she also tested this notion
and looked for spoken practices here known as the "Canadian Shift" and "Canadian Raising."
In the Canadian Shift, speakers "retract" vowels -- making "bad" sound more like "bod."
In Canadian Raising, speakers raise the first part of a diphthong (when one vowel merges into another) such as making the
word "stout" into something more like "stah-oot."
Ingle found little evidence to support that Northwest speakers were adopting these Canadian pronunciation patterns.
She was interested to discover that Northwest speakers appear to put such strong emphasis on the "s" in words,
but she drew no conclusions. Her focus for this study was on vowels, after all, not consonants.
Wassink, Ingle and Richard Wright, director of the UW Linguistics Phonetics Lab and also a co-author on the Ingle study,
are working on a number of fronts to see if there is evidence of a true Pacific Northwest dialect. Wright was still in Vancouver
yesterday, having just presented a report on the Alaskan native language Deg Xinag, used in the lower Yukon.
The UW linguists need to build their case with more than varying pronunciations. They are looking at differences in vocabulary
-- we say "bucket" and they say "pail" -- as well as grammatical variations -- such as dropping the past
tense marker, where they say "canned fish" and we sometimes say "can fish."
"It can be very technical," Wassink said.
Ingle agreed, noting that her study of speech in Ballard involved only 14 people yet took countless hours of recording
and analysis. The paper summarizing her results looks a lot like a mathematics report, including charts mapping variations
in vowel sounds and digital "sonograms" that allowed her to isolate specific frequencies contained in sounds.
It's a big job, demonstrating that Northwest speak exists, but somebody's gotta do it.
"It's just been this assumption that's never been tested," Wassink said. "Everyone thinks the Pacific Northwest
is too young a region to have our own dialect. It's discrimination."
P-I reporter Tom Paulson can be reached at 206-448-8318 or tompaulson@seattlepi.com
World Languages - Klahowya, Sikhs! 500 Words Unite the Pacific Northwest
Author: Robert Henderson
Published on: November 10, 1998
In the days when a traveller's well-being depended on the hospitality of strangers, a hearty "Klahowya!" opened
doors all over the Pacific Northwest. For a century and a half, the Chinook Jargon bound together vastly different cultures
in an area encompassing seven American states and two Canadian provinces. Virtually extinct today, vestiges of this hard-working
pidgin persist in colourful expressions and place names.
Pacific Coast tribes invented Jargon before European contact, probably around 1730. Whites later called their trade lingo
"Chinook" Jargon, because Chinook tribes were the first coastal peoples to trade with the newcomers on a contract
basis. This label was often shortened to "Chinook," a source of much confusion. The native languages of Chinookan-speaking
First Peoples are as complete, as complex and as evocative as any true language. By contrast, Jargon has only rudimentary
grammar and a 500-word vocabulary. (Some authorities claim as many as 800 words.) Jargon must not therefore be compared to
true Chinookan languages.
The entry of the great fur companies into the Northwest economy brought Eastern tribal tongues, English, Canadian French
and even Hawaiian into Jargon. The mountain men promulgated Jargon far afield, to such distant points as Alberta, Alaska and
California. As Jargon settled into new climes it inevitably picked up local vocabulary and pronunciation, to the point that
speakers from distant edges of Jargon's empire must have had some difficulty understanding one another. Jargon's limited vocabulary
presented another challenge. In practice, speakers used sign language, facial expression and vocal intonation to convey subtleties.
This was precise enough for trade, but US courts have ruled that the terms of some treaties drawn up in the last century were
not clear to all signatories, since they were negotiated in Jargon.
To circumvent this problem, speakers pressed poetic license. A touching example is "opitsah sikhs," or knife
friend. A backwoodsman survives by his knife, therefore his "opitsah sikhs" is someone he can't live without. It
might mean partner, best friend, or lover. Electricity has been expressed as "kwass saghalie piah kopa lope," or
tame sky-fire [lightning] in a rope. Jargon is therefore concept-based, relying on cultural references more than true languages
generally do.
In its waning years, Jargon became heavily anglicised. Uniquely Native grammar and pronunciation faded. Few trained linguists
devoted attention to the subject, so much Jargon pronunciation and syntax have been lost to history. Melville Jacobs, a University
of Washington anthropologist, is an important exception. Jacobs traveled the Northwest in the 1930s, transcribing into Americanist
phonetics stories elderly Natives related in Jargon. Jacobs' monograph provides rare, authentic examples of living pronunciation,
grammar and syntax, with regional differences intact.
Echoes of Jargon are still caught from time to time in Northwest speech. Longtime residents call the bay "saltchuck",
or sea water. "Skookum" (strong) appears in the complaint, "My old pickup isn't skookum enough to take that
hill." Kaleetan (arrow), Illahee (homeland) and tiny Hiyu (great big) are three of several Washington ferries with Jargon
names. Alaskans call newcomers "cheechakos," from the Jargon for new and come. A few Jargon words have even gone
continental. Hooch (bad liquor) is short for "hootchanoo," and "tolo," the girls-ask-boys high school
dance, means "to take control."
Jargon is an important tool to understanding Northwest history. For example, Washington's one-word state motto, is often
translated "by and by." In reality, "alki" is an untranslatable concept-term referring to the future.
The map preserves other insights into the past, such as:
Tyee, Alaska. "Chief, head, most important."
Cultus Lake, BC. "Worthless."
Malakwa, BC. "Mosquito."
Tumwater, Washington. "Falls." Refers to the Deschutes River cascades. Note that "Deschutes Falls, Tumwater"
translates "Falls Falls, Falls."
Tatoosh Range, Washington. "Breasts, udders."
Klipsan Beach, Washington. "Deep sun," i.e. sunset.
Lolo Pass, between Idaho and Montana. "Carry" or "load up."
Sitkum, Oregon. "Halfway."
Nesika Beach, Oregon. "Ours."
The Internet, friend of embattled languages, hasn't passed over modest old Jargon, either. When my grandfather died many
years ago, I feared I might be the only Jargon speaker left on the planet. Now, three home pages are dedicated to preserving
and promoting Jargon, each linked to dictionaries, fellow Jargon scholars and other resources. Web presence has even led to
a Jargon convention in Mission, BC, in September. Who knows? Maybe the old girl's up for a new lease on life.
Jargon opens a window on cultures since badly disrupted. How much richer we might be if we understood the subtle wisdom
in the universal Jargon salutation that, like aloha, also means goodbye. Klahowya.
This article available from Suite 101 World Languages: www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/world_languages
Wiki "Grunge speak":
Grunge speak was a hoax created by Megan Jasper, a sales representative for Sub Pop Records. Under pressure from a reporter
for The New York Times who wanted to know if grunge fans had their own slang, Jasper, 25 at the time, told the reporter a
set of made-up on-the-spot slang terms that she claimed were associated with the Seattle grunge scene in the late 1980s and
early 1990s. The information given by Jasper would appear in the sidebar of a November 15, 1992 feature article of the Times.
The sidebar, titled "Lexicon of Grunge: Breaking the Code", had also mistakenly claimed that Jasper was working
for Caroline Records.
In truth, there was no particular slang language used in the Seattle grunge scene, or in any other grunge scene at the
time. While some members of the grunge scene may have used other forms of slang (such as those that have become commonly used
in the English language), many felt no need to create their own to go along with grunge. Many had even resented the assumption
by the Times that they even had a slang language, as well as their claim that it was "coming soon to a high school or
mall near you".
The article was proven to be a hoax by Thomas Frank of The Baffler, a journal of cultural criticism. In it, he revealed
that Jasper had purposely misled the Times as well as the British magazine Sky as a prank. Jasper, known to be sarcastic,
had been sick of the excessive amount of questions that reporters were asking people involved in the Seattle grunge scene,
and thus pulled the prank to get back at them for their superfluous questioning.
The Times demanded that Frank fax over an apology for claiming the Times had printed false information, believing that
it was Frank that was the hoaxer. Frank instead sent a letter standing by the story and explaining that "when The Newspaper
of Record goes searching for the Next Big Thing and the Next Big Thing piddles on its leg, we think that's funny." Frank
(as well as many grunge fans) had considered the article to be part of an attempt by mainstream culture to co-opt the grunge
scene and felt that the Times had gotten what they deserved.
Shortly after the release of The Baffler's story, some people in Seattle began selling and wearing t-shirts with the words
"lamestain" and "harsh realm" printed in the same font as the title of the Times. The words never did
catch on as actual slang, but served the purpose of lampooning the Times for a short while. One of the terms, "harsh
realm", was used as the title of a short-lived science-fiction television series in 1999. The events of Jasper's prank
would also be documented in the 1996 film Hype!, a documentary about the grunge scene of the early 1990s.
Grunge speak words
During the interview, Jasper made up the following terms and their definitions:
* bloated, big bag of blotation - drunk
* bound-and-hagged - staying home on Friday or Saturday night
* cob nobbler - loser
* dish - desirable guy
* fuzz - heavy wool sweaters
* harsh realm - bummer
* kickers - heavy boots
* lamestain - uncool person
* plats - platform shoes
* rock on - a happy goodbye
* score - great
* swingin' on the flippety-flop - hanging out
* tom-tom club - uncool outsiders (possibly inspired by the new wave band Tom Tom Club)
* wack slacks - old ripped jeans
* Frank, Thomas. "Harsh Realm, Mr. Sulzberger!" (Winter/Spring 1993). The Baffler.
* Marin, Rick. "Grunge: A Success Story" (November 15, 1992). New York Times. Section 9, Page 1.
o featuring "Lexicon of Grunge: Breaking the Code"
* Pray, D., Helvey-Pray Productions. Hype!. 1996. Republic Pictures.
* "Those Cob Nobblers at the N.Y. Times" (March 5, 1993). Globe and Mail. Section C1.
* Windolf, Jim. "Off the Record" (March 1, 1993). New York Observer.
originally posted on 23.May.2005 04:05
good article 23.May.2005 09:22
shaker link
but where I came from I don't have an accent...
Way to go, Yeti! 23.May.2005 10:22
another cascadian link
Language is crucial to building a new culture and a new community (I don't like to use the word "nation" in
the old sense, so when I use community here, it means a politically autonomous collective effort). The more we discover that
Cascadia is culturally, linguistically, philosophically and politically separate from the USA, the more likely our eventual
freedom becomes.
Keep it coming, Yeti. Your thinking about language here is re-inspiring me to keep pushing Cascadians to recognize our
separateness (and eventual necessary separation from) the corrupted, anti-environmental, politically and religiously oppressive
NOT U.S. ! is what I say. If our accent and dialect can distinguish us, so much the better.
Damn it! I just realized 23.May.2005 10:51
Ecotopian Yeti link
Using the name "Ecotopian Yeti" makes me the Chewbacca of this bad Star War farce. Damn it! I have always hated
that character!
what about 23.May.2005 12:15
warshington link
Unique to the northwest dialect is the contribution of the hick or logger culture. The added "r" sound in pronouncing
the word Washington as Warshinton.
Look to the foothill hills
warshington 23.May.2005 13:21
Ecotopian Yeti link
the "a" as "ar" is also a common aspect in the reagion in general, but mostly with those born before
If you ever listen to Paul Linnman on KATU (I have no clue if he still is on that channel since I do not watch corporate
news any more) he will say "Warshington". If you listen to Paul Linnman in his journalist voice from the earlier
1970s you can pick up the slight "warsh" when he talks of the whale that warshed ashore. Which is ironic because
in Chinook Jargon there is no "r" so words like for "grease" is "glees". Yet when you talk to
Native People in Cascadia who speak English as their native tongue will say "ar" in some words where "a"
http://www.hackstadt.com/features/whale/ (scroll down to movie)
special note about the film: We, Cascadians, do not claim to be brillent all the time especially when it comes to exploding
local yocal 23.May.2005 13:32
Cascadianna link
I've never heard someone say it like warshington without joking. Unless there mom or dad came from the south. My mom's
side of the fam is from the cascadian area in general but recent generations are from washington and none of them pronounce
it like that no matter how far out in the middle of no where they live.
class, not region? 23.May.2005 14:18
Henry Higgins (deceased) link
The "ar" for "a" pattern happens in a number of places, including throughout the "rust belt"
of cities such as Cincinati, Youngstown OH, and Pittsburgh. I'll bet it happens in other locations too, and perhaps has more
to do with class (or perhaps some proxy for class, such as education level) than with location. Interestingly, the same people
who said "I got to do the warsh" in Pittsburgh also used the oddest plural-you form I've ever heard - yinz. And
they also called their city "Picksbird".
It's so true! 23.May.2005 14:20
Feral go_feral@excite.com link
Ha ha! That's soo funny! It's totally true that cascadian's have a really unique accent. For sure. I love hearing about
what people think makes it distinct thought. It gives me a total since of pride for our bioregion. I feel so unique when some
one asks me "Where ARE you from?". I get it quite a lot actually usually from people that arn't from here. And they
are always just like, "I love your accent, I can't figure out where it's from.." And guess, Eastcoast/NY, NY, or
Some kind of 'southern'. Is the most common guess.
I am totally from this bioregion. In fact I went to preschool right down on SW 8th & Washington on the park blocks.
And I've never really moved away. So I feel that whichever speaking style it is I use is unique and pretty uninfluenced dialect.
It's funny though because I have REALLY pronounced "s'", and although I've never said Warshington with an R
(unless I was joking to some out of towner... yup... that over there's warshington.. hehe). But do have a VERY "creaky"
voice. Which I never really noticed before.
But it's really fun, I love being a cascadian!!
class? 23.May.2005 14:54
yeti link
I was thinking that maybe the "ar" in "warsh" was from the older German, Scandinavian and Balkans
contribution back from the logging communities in the late 1800s and early 1900s. But now I am thinking that alot of these
rural areas (ofcourse not addmitting it after the Communist witch hunt) may have "rust belt" union and IWW connections
and picked it up from that. Not so much lack of education as opposed to a class connected with social consciousness. The unionists-anarchists-wobblies-communists-socialists
history is really deleted from Cascadian history by American Nationalists (be it conscious or unconscious). Centralia (yes
that town that is precieved as a hicktown) was once the heart of the Wobblie movement of the Pacific NorthWest. The Finns
of Astoria were once divived so much over the issue of the workers that there was once two taverns called the Finnish Room
(the Red Finns and the White Finns). I believe if we really wish to understand Cascadian linguistic history we need to uncover
lots of history that has been "white-washed" by the illusion of the American national narrative.
Turing water into wader 23.May.2005 15:02
Ecotopian Yeti link
Ofcourse then there is the shifting "t" to "d' which is common in many dialects throughout the world such
as in most Turkish dialects. I will say "water" if that is the focus of the sentence or sometimes at the end of
the sentence, but if it is in the middle or said really fast then it is "wader".
take off, eh! 23.May.2005 15:40
pan cascadian link
Last time I was in Cascadian 'British Columbia,' everyone had the classic Canuck accent. Saying 'aboot' instead of 'about,'
throwing 'eh' at the end of sentences, etc. You just don't here this on the US side of Cascadia, eh.
Down in southern Oregon, folks sound way more California, bra. Little bit more like the surfer or snowboardee stylee.
All I need when I'm down there is some tasty waves and phat nugs, bra.
The 'test' in the original post is ridiculous. Elements of any sort of 'Cascadian' dialect or more appropriately found
as people say 'Orygun,' instead of ORE-UH-GONE, like everyone else outside the Pacific Northwest says. Or worse yet, the way
native Northwesterners say 'spendy' to indicate that something is 'expensive.' What the?!
spendy? 23.May.2005 16:38
Ecotopian Yeti link
I have only noticed southern Californians or "transplants" say "spendy".
Then there is the shortening of names and words by southern Californians who think its cool and being "native".
Like "Freddy's" for Fred Myers (gag). As a joke I started calling Safeway "Safee", but got sick of that
and now just say Safeway with a bad fake French accent. The latest I have heard several times in one week was "Lake O"
or "L.O." instead of Lake Oswego like it was Los Angeles (L.A.). When I first heard that I almost puked all of over
the person. Then I heard it again at which point I decided not to hold back the puke. Just my assumption that most Cascadians
do not shorten the name of places in cutesie forms or even use initials in most cases (but that is just my guess).
As for Oregon ... well you know its not just "Ore-uh-gun", but also "Orygin" with the "gin"
being pronnounce like the Cascadian pronounciation of "guin" in "Guinness" (the Irish drink of champinions
.. or .. drunkards). But as you point out it is NEVER "Or-ee-GONE" (them fightin word!). Infact its kind of fun
to watch a herd of Oregonians (a pod if the group is less than five) jump out of their seats or have a full body jerk when
they hear "Or-ee-GONE". Which is the biggest reason why we need to form Cascadia so that we never hear the mispronounciation
of Oregon ever again.
Cascadian accent 23.May.2005 19:42
Monochromo link
I've always thought that people from more rural parts of Cascadia have a very, very, light "Western Twang" to
their accent. Just very slightly kind of Texas like in nature. When you get more into the urban areas I often here that slight
California Valley boy or girl thing. Overall, I think we have a "TV" accent. Yes, we sound like TV actors and the
like! When I was outside of Dallas, Texas, I could here the Texas draw. When I went into the downtown area, a lot of that
went away. Being more in urban areas, I have heard more "TV" accents.
what about 23.May.2005 20:32
Warshington link
Wow, plenty o insight. I would probably lean toward the (specific type of working) class thing, I grew up in central Oregon
in a small logging town where it was common. I have also noticed it fairly common in other "logging" areas like
Sandy, Springfield, Roseburg, and other similar high up the food chain locals. The old timer idea may also be on target, it
is definately less common now than in the 60's/ 70's. Maybe the logging crowd just had their own slang, like say.... surfers
or skateboarders.
Warsh 23.May.2005 22:43
Wild Green link
I am a fourth generation Cascadian, my grandmother pronounces wash and Washington as warsh and Warshington. She grew up
mostly in Washington, her kids on the Oregon coast. I had only receintly heard other people pronounce it that way.
It still makes me giggle.
"Elements of any sort of 'Cascadian' dialect or more appropriately found as people say 'Orygun,' instead of ORE-UH-GONE,
like everyone else outside the Pacific Northwest says."
I don't know anyone that pronounces it Orygun. Its not a 'y', its more of an 'i' as in 'pit'. The phonetic characters
won't show on a copy and paste for me, but the first pronunciation on the dictionary.com website is the standard Cascadian
pronunciation of Oregon. see: http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=Oregon
Note, their is only two syllables, although the form of 'i' pronounced is what seems to be a "half-syllable"
(I don't know the technical term for whatever it is. I just know its a very slight pronounciation when I do it, barely noticable
and difficult for newcomers to pick up. Newcomers either overemphasize or drop that "i".)
The second shown on dictionary.com is one of the most common foreigner or tourist pronunciation of Oregon. Anyone living
here, should pick up the standard Cascadian pronunciation of Oregon within a week after being given pronunciation lessons
by natives.
I spent 3 years living in Maryland and no one outside of Delmarva (Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia) can pronounce Maryland
correctly either.
I agree with Monochromo that citified Cascadians nove toward a "hollywood tv accent", which is a recycled western
accent. The drift is toward uniformity. Whereas, the blue collar poor, esp. rural poor have a distinct Cascadian "twang".
It is comparable to any of the various "southern" twangs, but very different than the texas "twang". Their
is also a hint of drawl, again unlike the Texas drawl. Having grown up in a dieing logging town, I think this is a remnant
of logger culture.
As for 'caught' and 'cot', I thought that goes to say for all Westerners.
Having been exposed to "tv culture" I assumed it to be the norm, and all those Midwesters, Easterners and Southerners
as pronouncing in British-style. Then again, I don't remember Eastern Shore folk (Marylanders specifically) pronouncing it
differently than us Westerners, I'll have to ask around.
The urbanized Cascadian accent 23.May.2005 23:44
Ecotopian Yeti link
It is not that Hollywood has generated the urban or suburban Cascadian accent... its the other way around. In the 1950s
and 1960s there was a conscious move by the corporate media to use the accent in the Pacific NorthWest because it was neither
the southern hick sound nor the snooty urban New Yorker. The Pacific NorthWest represented the idealized working man struggling
to control his environment like the building of dams and control of Nature. But after a century of European settlers conquering
or trying to tame Mother Nature we started to realize in the 1960s and 1970s that you can not conquer Nature. Early in the
20th century Woody Guthrie realized the errors of the archetypical Working Man after the Bonneville Dam built. He later regretted
his support of the idea of "progress" that would murder a Wild River.
Just a side note that the "twang" element that is often part of the more rural Cascadian accent (south of the
49th Parallel) just may come from the moving in of CCC workers during the depression era and the (dreaded) Okies from the
Dust Bowl. Many Oregonians during the Depression were more concerned with the mass immigration of Okies in to the Willamette
Valley than any other change of demographics at the time. This is an interesting reoccuring aspect of the region... the fear
of other "whites" moving in be it Okies (who settled in California's agricultural centers in the 1930s) or later
the suburban southern Californians in the 1970s through the 1990s.
Just another note: Woody Guthrie as an anti-fascist folk singer is really deleted in the American Nationalistic narrative.
I suggest all to look up his original lyrics to "This Land is Your Land". It is not the pro-capitalistic nationalistic
song that most Americans think it is. But what do you except from a population that thinks the Beatles's "Revolution"
was to sell Nike shoes or Creedence Clearwater Revival's "Fortunate Son" is to sell patriotic blue jeans. Does anybody
else see that we have been brain-fucked? Even our own voices of protest have been turned against us and marketed for our consumption
of the banality of evil.
Woody Guthrie with his "This machine kills fascists" guitar
About that last bit 24.May.2005 02:43
Esposito travelsbybrian@hotmail.com link
You know, I have heard a little bit about this Jasper business and I am glad you brought it up. Again and again you see
these media figure heads with this binary logic try to co-opt language. Language is something that culture adopts, but isn't
language as commodifiable as a form of dress or anything else? All of these "rebel cultures" we have developed in
the past have been mc-raped. In Jaspers tradition, the ends to a mean is more subversive or sarcastic.
well Esposito... NorthWest Noir 24.May.2005 03:41
Ecotopian Yeti link
well Esposito when I was adding that article I was tempted to put in NorthWest Noir which is both a film style and often
I think a Cascadian approach or view to life. It sees the dark aspects of life with an ironic twist to things. Its our collective
"morbid" mythology of life being born from death. The continous rains giving way to spring only to be hit by a suprise
hail storm. The vulcanic landscape that could burst at any moment to destroy and create new life. Television shows of the
late 80s like Twin Peaks and Northern Exposure were filmed here but also seemed to capture that "noir" sarcasm.
Pictures of Kurt Cobain with a gun in his mouth after the first suicide attempt reflects that. Infact practically all of Nirvana
and Grunge music reflected that sarcasm. Having D.B. Copper Days in Ariel Washington (oops spelt as Warshington now) where
people dress up as D.B. Copper show up. I remember seeing a humorous piece in the media (when it was good in the 1970s) where
it was suggested that Tom McCall was D.B. Copper. Bigfoot reflects it too by reaching into our collective mystery. The exploding
whale reflects that dark ironic humour. It is in our music, our arts, our sense of community and it is who we are.
Just a special note here to those reading who are not Cascadians: In no way are we serious about not being Americans.
We love you all Americana and trully find consumer society a fun and joyfull experience.
i studied linguistics yrs ago 24.May.2005 06:08
amilcar link
still i didn't remember it was so funny, we hadn't at that time the benefit of the theory: the farthest the closest the
fact is that shakespeare didn't have a chance to dry in california, as if there were original identities, as if they could
travel around unchanged, notwithstanding only a nothwesterner could make me quite laugh in such a fearful era
Wharshington and other oddites 24.May.2005 06:30
very small rocks link
The only place I have heard "warshington" is the very upper midwest, on over to North Dakota, Wyoming, and as
far west as east of the Cascades. I have never heard it here (Western WA) except from folks from these areas, especially those
over 60. I suspect it may be rooted in the language of migrant agricultural workers in the teens who later became employed
in the lumber industry in the teens and twenties, hence the rural character. Yeti's remarks jibe with this, as the upper Midwest
was populated by Scandanavians immigrants, and those accents are still thick in those regions.
As for "grunge", both accounts in the original article are incorrect. Grunge was coined publically by a newsprint
magazine in Seattle called Backlash, around 1989-90. Seattle had several such magazines at that time (Rocket, Wire, Backlash,
and a handful of short lived publications) and all of them were tightly networked with people who were both in bands and in
college radio. As soon as it became used by media heads it bacame a taboo word to use, and usage marked one as a suburban
johnny come lately.
One thin I have noticed is that Yeti and fn brill are never in the same room together. How odd.
rural Cascadia 24.May.2005 07:42
jest thinkin' link
I agree with the comment about rural Cascadia holding on to a flat, western twang. This amounts to a flattening of most
vowels, and leads, I've come to believe, to the common misspelling of "than" as "then". In the Cascadian
accent, the short vowels sound very similar (think, in contrast, of the new yorker's nasal "ah" pronunciation of
short a, or the the even more pronounced Boston "paaahk the caaah" for ar.) In Cascadia, perk and park are almost
indistinguishable. In some rural areas, southern or hick pronunciations, such as "crick" for "creek" are
also common.
Aside from accent and pronunciation, though, I'm curious about language inventions and usages that are truly regional.
What are current Cascadian words that really aren't used elsewhere? Subcultures create their own languages (don't dis homies
for they rap). I wonder if Cascadia as a region and culture is creating a distinct language, or if it's just a question of
Yeti and fn brill are never in the same room together and other notes 24.May.2005 12:02
Ecotopian Yeti link
I did not even know who fn brill was until just now when I did a google search. So I am sorry I wish I could contribute
to that branch of court intrigue... well not at least when it comes to that hidden identity.
I woke up this morning telling someone that this post made it to the front of Portland Indy last night. The other person
dropped the newspaper and looked at me. "When did you post this?" I replied "..the morning before about 4ish."
The other person responded with "Well it made it on local TV ... I missed the report, but they were talking of a regional
dialect." Smirk
Warshington 24.May.2005 12:41
Varro link
As a transplanted Pittsburgher, I can confirm that we use "warsh" and "yinz" as a second person plural.
Pittsburghers also add "an 'at" (and that) to the ends of sentences much like other people use "yadda yadda
yadda" or "and whatnot".
I haven't noticed "warsh" that much here though. I can instantly tell a Pittsburgher from the accent.
"Spendy" is Californian? I didn't know that.
This may be a divergence from the usual conversation on this board, but it's a good thing, both in getting people interested
in the Native American/First Nations influence on language and culture, as well as building bridges to people originally from
your original region.
no generic british accent 24.May.2005 12:56
brit link
there is no such thing as a 'british accent'
yinz? 24.May.2005 14:03
Ecotopian Yeti link
before this series of posts I had never heard of "yinz" before and I was born and raised west of the Cascade
range and my family lines have had a presence in the region for over a hundred years.
Just as a side note and potential series of spin off posts: In Chinook jargon there is the word "yaka" meaning
he/she/it or gender neutral third person pronoun. Like the "o" in both Hungarian (Magyar) and Turkish (Türkçe) as
well as the Finnish (Suomi) "hän". When "Klingon" was created for the Star Trek series the pronoun "o"
was usuruped into that fantasy language. Old English at one time also had a gender neutral third person pronoun that was "ou".
As i have said repeatedly in other posts in various places in the cyber universe I think we, Cascadians, should use Chinook
Jargon as a linguistic reservior just as we do with Greek, Latin, German, French and other languages. "Yaka" (even
the Old English "ou") could be a means to removing the sexism or gender chauvinsim that still clandestinely haunts
our shared cultures and daily life. Ofcourse I am kinda of a weirdo because I think we should restore "thou" and
"thee" when refering to Mother Nature, the forest and revered mythological figures. On the other hand politicans
should never be adressed with a sense of upper hierarchal role when they are in their governmental duty to serve the electorate
(the voting masses). Because of the ineguity of power in a capitalistic society politicans too often think they are above
the people.
not impressed 24.May.2005 14:10
me link
this is the worst article indy has ever made a feature. period. not only is it biased and stereotypical, it perpetuates
gross elitism and regional snobbery. whatever, i guess if it takes your mind off of real issues for 5 minutes...even political
portlanders need some fluff pieces, huh?
Fine line between possession and oppression 24.May.2005 15:15
another Picksbirder link
I agree that dialect is often the source of stereotype and bias, but it is also something that is imbued with local flavor
and color, and as such it can be positively embraced. This discussion is not necessarily about laughing at hicks for the way
they "mispronunciate" (though I will verify the "yinz" use in my hometown and add that the people who
use that form are (derogatorily) referred to as "yinzers"). It is about identifying some of the common communication
patterns that can be identified as unique and different from the patterns used elsewhere. In so doing, I think that Ecotopian
Yeti is seeking to take back possession of language forms that might otherwise be looked down on. Dialect is a culture and
class identifier and only becomes a source of stereotype or bias when there is a shared agreement that one particular dialect
is "above" the others. This is a common assumption, but it does not seem to be shared in this thread. So embrace
your cascadianisms, Ecotopian Yeti, as I have embraced my yinzer heritage (and a shoutout to all the other yinzers out there
- I'll see all a yinz in a dahntahn bar once the Stillers start up the new season, with or without the Bus n'at).
To Brit 24.May.2005 15:39
Wild Green link
"there is no such thing as a 'british accent' "
Good point, my bad.
not impressed 24.May.2005 15:58
Rude-off link
how much do U want to bet that "me" is not from Cascadia.
ORE-EE-GONE, Warshington, lazy? Queries... 24.May.2005 20:01
Portlander link
I grew up in Portland, lived there all my life. Only a year ago did I move to the Chicago area.
Not gonna lie, their accents drive me mad!
In the Midwest, most people outright REFUSE to pronounce "Oregon" correctly. 90% of people absolutely insist
that it is "ORE-EE-GONE." And they will fight it to the death. As a native Oregonian, it is my duty to help our
midled friends learn how to pronounce our lovely state's name. The best educating tool I can think to use to help them understand
is by comparing it to people pronouncing the "S" in Illinois. Ponouncing the "S" makes you sound like
the president; likewise, the same it to mispronouncing Oregon. Any suggestions on friendly ways of helping people get this
tough task down?
As a pacifict, my only violent thoughts come when people mispronounce Oregon. ;)
I have only heard a few people say Warshington in my time. I hear it so seldom, I can recall the two people I've heard
say the "ar." My first grade teacher, and 11th grade art teacher.
I am trying to figure out how "Caught" and "cot" could be pronounced differently---anyone figure that
I have heard our way of speaking described as "lazy." Anyone agree with that?
I also need a little help identifying this "creaky" thing. I don't really get it.
I GOT IT! 24.May.2005 20:34
Douglas Fir link
First off "creaky" I do not know what it means. Does it mean to sound like a creek flowing over rocks? "Cot"
and Caught" I never thought that they were pronounced differently. "Crick" and "creek" yup that is
a generational difference and maybe rural too. What about "bowl" and "bull" they sound the same to me.
"Pop" from the Left Coast and "soda" from the South and Atlantic.
Okay my idea is that the Cascadian movement be rename back to Oregon for the Oregon Territory. Maybe even spell it Orygun
or Orygen. Think about it. Portlander and the Yeti wrote "As a pacifict, my only violent thoughts come when people mispronounce
Oregon. ;) " & "But as you point out it is NEVER "Or-ee-GONE" (them fightin word!). Infact its kind
of fun to watch a herd of Oregonians (a pod if the group is less than five) jump out of their seats or have a full body jerk
when they hear "Or-ee-GONE"." Imagine the support for a secessionist movement everytime Bush said "OR-EE-GONE"
or something hick sounding Southerner saying "OR-EE-GONE can not susseed".
Anecdotal and trivial... 24.May.2005 22:15
Snazmo link
I think this article makes for interesting reading, but it is really just amusing fluff in the final analysis. I mean,
if these linguists have to go to such extremes to even find a handful of words that norwesters pronounce uniquely, then there
really is not all that much difference to speak of from the rest of the country and here. In addition, given that there is
so much mobility in America with people moving to-and-fro constantly, moving from Texas to Oregon to Florida to Michigan,
etc, etc. there is really little chance of any uniquely northwest accent ever really materializing--especially as more and
more people move here from afar, and further "nationalize" the collective accent. There is simply too many homegenizing
factors such as national TV shows everybody watches, people coming and going continually, syndicated radio shows, etc. to
allow any accents to really develop or take root (here or anywhere else in the USA for that matter). All regions are sounding
more and more alike with less differentation actually. Even the "Old South" is sounding less and less 'southern'
these days. All these things considered, it is doubtful there will ever be a unique "Cascadia" accent.
More to the point: what I really think is going on here is more northwest PROVINCIALITY. Folks born and raised in this
beautiful region have a tendency to want to set themselves apart from the rest of the country. Just look at the postings following
this article. Or another example of provinciality: "Washington Native" bumper stickers, which were quite popular
in the 90's. At least in Seattle where I used to live, native Seattleites had a BIG fixation on being "born and raised"
northwesterners, to the point that they often resented transplants and excluded them from social activities and even jobs
sometimes. Anyways, I kind of think that this "Cascadian English" is a projection of this northwest provinciality,
a manifestation of wanting to be unique, which is OK, especially when our government seems to be contradicting many of the
values and ideals that progressives in the Northwest hold dear. In any event this is a great region and I love it!
caught ya on the cot 24.May.2005 22:22
hmmm link
try "cawt" for caught. It's a little different than "cot", quite noticeable to my ear.
In response to the comments about fluff, I must disagree. Language is at the root of who we are as humans. Language matters,
and it's a good way to distinguish ourselves from our neighbors to the east. Nothing fluffy about developing a new culture
and nation. It's slow hard work, but it's vital. I've seen few articles here that seem to me more important than this one.
northwest 24.May.2005 22:48
squiddy link
recently i have noticed that some people use 'norwest' as opposed to northwest. i and all the born-and-raised northwesterners
i know never drop the 'th' in northwest. the 'th' is a sudden stop in the middle of the word 'northwest' with accents the
fact it is north! when i see someone type 'norwest' i think 'new englander' or some easterner.
phontic Cascadian English 24.May.2005 23:01
Ecotopian Yeti link
Over the last few decades I have been working on a easy phonetic script we could use for "Cascadian" English
and in turn Chinook Wawa. The only problem is that some of the characters do not appear easily available on English keyboards
and that in living with the current technology (especially with the internet) there is a disadvantage to using characters
outside the English version of Latin script. Case in point is all the accent marks in other Latin based scripts in other languages
not to mention several characters that are totally absent. Now if we could get Bill Gates (I know "boo hiss") to
identify himself as Cascadian and to support my "Cascadian" version of the Latin script then we would win out..
even globally.
There are several reasons one could use a new script system specifically a phonetic system.
A phonetic system would update modern English. This has been a reform that most Latin scripted based writing systems went
through a hundred years ago. George Bernard Shaw and Benjamin Franklin both created and pushed for phonetic reform to increase
literacy rates in the population.
Making a phonetic script for "Cascadian" English shared with Chinook Wawa would give a greater perception to
those writing in Cascadian English the perception that Chinook Wawa is a linguistic reservoir of equal status as other traditional
linguistic reservoirs like Latin, Classical Greek as well as modern languages like French, German, Hindi, Arabic and so forth.
Often we dip into other languages to capture concepts or "loanwords" that English does not have in it for example
"déjà vu" from French or "pajama" from Hindi. A shared deconstruction of the Anglo-American Latin script
would create a new identity that is uniquely Cascadian. Switching script systems can also have a huge impact on creating a
distinct identity in Cascadia from the rest of the North American continent. For one it could unite the Cascadian people on
both sides of the US-Canadian border under a new socio-political push for new standards in education. It would separate Cascadia
symbolically from Fascist Amerika. An example of another people who shifted script systems was the Turks. Under Ataturk the
new nation of Turkey adopted the Latin script in replacement of the Arabic script. This created major perceptional changes
in the Turkic peoples and other people of Anatolia. Having the Young Turks officially embrace the Turkified Latin script was
a proclamation that the Ottoman Empire was dead; that the Turks were not Eastern, but Western; there was a generation gap
between the old bureucrats and the modern Young Turks; women who were granted eqaulity now had an advantage in social moblity
because they were being educated in Western style schools and so on and so on.
The current DOWNSIDE of a Phonetic Script in the age of limited scripts in cyberspace.
HERE IS THE PROBLEM! This is all pointless to even talk about because the way the internet is today all non-English Latin
based alphabets have a huge disadvantage. Hungarian and Turkish e-mailers (just to name two) have to write in a limited version
of their own language. For example instead of typing the "o" with a long umlaut (I use to call them "bunny
ears") are replaced by a dipthong when typing for a English based Latin script. So the idea for now is out the door if
we wish to add characters to the limited Englishized Latin script.
correct 24.May.2005 23:06
squiddy link
recently i have noticed that some people use 'norwest' as opposed to northwest. i and all the born-and-raised northwesterners
i know never drop the 'th' in northwest. the 'th' is a sudden stop in the middle of the word 'northwest' WHICH accents the
fact it is north! when i see someone type 'norwest' i think 'new englander' or some easterner.
Ironic that I mispelt Phonetic 24.May.2005 23:23
Yeti link
how ironic... I forgot the "e" in phonetic. Please do not think this is an accent thingy. Its a lazy finger
Hey I am just a Yeti and your technology and fire is magical and scarry to me.
an added note about a phonetic script 24.May.2005 23:56
Ecotopian Yeti link
If there was a surge in Cascadianism. We could use something like a network of free schools to deconstruct Amerikan history
and cultural imperialism followed by educating the Cascadian masses of bioregional history and diversity as well as a simplistic
phonetic script. The script system I designed is pretty easy to read for those who grew up in the school system here. Basically
an "a" that is called a "long a" such as in eight, ate or they is simply an "a" with a line
over it indicating its a "long a". "Sh" as in "ship" would be replace with a singal letter an
"s" with a accent mark. Infact the "s" and "sh" was a difficult thing to tackle for phonetic
reform early on in Hungarian they made "s" the "sh" sound and "sz" the "s" sound in
English. In modern English we still find the script divergence is messure, tressure and pleasure which have become "jah"
now and could be converted to a "z" like "3" or cursive "z". Anyway my original phonetic script
I designed 10 years ago is now buried deep with other stuff in a garage, but can be recreated quickly if I saw the demand
for it. The problem is I realistically do not see the demand... yet.
Soda Pop and Oregon 25.May.2005 01:02
Wild Green link
Douglas Fir said, "'Pop' from the Left Coast and "soda" from the South and Atlantic."
As an Oregon native, I say pop. However, Californians say soda. In fact, most Californians get irrate over our use of
the word pop as if we are trying to start a fight. I think some midwesterners say or used to say 'soda pop', although I can
only remember the expression used in the book and film 'The Outsiders'.
Douglas Fir said, "Okay my idea is that the Cascadian movement be rename back to Oregon for the Oregon Territory.
Maybe even spell it Orygun or Orygen."
While, I would agree that 'Oregon' is more inclusive of Coastal of eastern and western Oregon pacificans, I doubt that
Washingtonians would like that, nor would Jeffersonians, esp. those from Northern California, not to mention Californians
from San Francisco to Jefferson. Not to mention those in B.C. and Alaska.
I disagree with changing the spelling.
Ecotopian Yeti, I disagree with converting our script into phonetic script, but I don't have time to go into the details
right now.
Wild Green 25.May.2005 01:37
Ecotopian Yeti link
Well actually if you read the whole thing I say why we should not convert (yet) and its simple there would be a techno-communication
gap between the dominate version of the Latin scripted and a remodified version. Those using the phonetic script would be
at a disadvantage since even those that use Cyrillic have to convert to basic Latin script today to chat and e-mail with most
of the world today. So at the present situation I would also argue against it.
on the other hand if some great computer geek with magical powers could make a universal keyboard together with an universal
software (free ofcourse) that with a push of a button will convert to any script then... we have a different situtation, but
for now American cyber English is the dominant language of trade today.
But again I am just a Yeti your technolgy and strange flying metal birds scare me and yet fasinate me as well.
curious about 25.May.2005 01:57
what a phonetic link
cascadian english would look like
my Cascadian phonetic script 25.May.2005 03:27
Ecotopian Yeti link
I know I have missed some sounds in this reconstruction especially a vowel or two.. Some letters might not even show up
in this attempt. And yes some linguistic majors and lingists will shit green apples while saying "you have no clue about
this stuff". My response would be "bite me". The "accent mark" could stand for the "long"
mark over the vowel. Every character would only hold the value of one sound. No silent letters. The name of ever letter is
the sound it makes.
A, a as in apple
Á, á as in ape
Ä, ä as in law
B, b
C, c is actually changed to a "ch" as in chop (no more double use as "s' or "k")
D, d
Ð, ð called eth in Norse and represents the "th" sound in them
E, e as in hemp
É, é as in eat
_, _ here would be a letter that looks like an upside down backwards "e" and represents a soften vowel sound
like the last "a" in Cascadia
F, f (no ph or gh as "f" alternatives)
G, g as in girl (no shift into j)
H, h
I, i as in hip
Í, í as in ice
J, j as in joke
K, k
L, l
M, m
N, n
Ņ, ņ which replaces the "ng" in pong, tang and wrong (these might not show up so they are
like "n" that mated with a "j" hence a "n" with a "j" tail
O, o as in top
Ó, ó as in open
Ö, ö as in moose
P, p
R, r ("r" by the way like in Serbo-Croatian would hold a value as a vowel hence able to stand alone without
the traditional e,i or u in front of it)
Ŕ, ŕ a trilled "r" which we do not have, but I love trilling my "r" so I added it
(may not show up.. so a "r" with a tilda over it)
S, s
Ṥ, ṥ as in ship (may not show up so a "s" wit an accent mark over it which is found in Hindu
transliteration often for Shiva, but as Siva)
_, _ well here would be the "ezh" an letter that has become our cursive "z" or the number "3"
and would be the "s" in treasure
T, t
Þ, þ called thorn in Norse and represents the "th" sound in thick
U, u as in cut
Ú, ú as in cute
V, v
W, w
Y, y is only "y" as in yellow
Z, z
PS.. about the script I modified 25.May.2005 03:57
Ecotopian Yeti link
if some brillent person who dabbles in various software to create or modify fonts out there reads this. Feel free to make
Cascadian alfabet, but please do it for both PC and Mac.
Cascadia would be something like Kaskádéa with the final "a" as that upside down backwards "e" so
as for now i am simply using "a".
words and sentences that we are use to seeing in some picture like balance in our mind look very exotic or dumb depending
on your prespective.
here is a sentence for experiment:
The bird is in the tree next to the cat.
transliteration into this script system:
Þa brd iz in þa tré neks tú þa kat.
(remember we do not have the backwards upside down "e" for the word "the" hence "Þa" ...
hope that came out right...)
forgot 25.May.2005 04:05
Ecotopian Yeti link
As far as I can tell the "d" and "t" in Cascadian English many times becomes "soft" sometimes
to the point of silence. When i was saying "next" in a sentence to myself I soften the "t" to the point
that I could barely notice it myself. When I designed the original version (10 years ago) I had added a shifting or softened
"t" to "d" (and visa versa) as in "water", but I can not remember which character I used.
oops 25.May.2005 12:08
Ecotopian Yeti link
not "Þa brd iz in þa tré neks tú þa kat."
correction: "Ða brd iz in þa tré nekst tú ða kat."
Ever realize a mistake while sitting in a waiting lounge for an appointment... well that was one. Hey what do you except
doing a quick reconstruction at 3:00 in the morning of something you designed 10 years ago. Plus I am just a Yeti my vocal
organs do not match that of humans. On the other hand, crypto-hominids like Sasquatch, Yeti, Yowie and Florida Skunk Ape as
well as our height impaired cousin "Hobbits" of Indonesia far exceed in moss arts and crafts over puny homo sapiens
"Ða brd iz in ða tré nekst tú ða kat." 25.May.2005 12:37
urrrrghh .. ^%@!! perfectionist link
"Ða brd iz in ða tré nekst tú ða kat."
too general 25.May.2005 17:08
gr@ce link
Not to step on anybody's toes but I don't think that that study was that great. 14 people!? I was raised in Oregon, I
used to say "pop", I started saying "soda pop" when I decided I liked it better after hanging out with
a friend from California. My boyfriend from Northern Wisconsin says the difference between a "crick" & a "creek",
is that cows shit in "cricks". After living in Madison, WI for almost 7 months, I can say that yeS, midwesterners
will say Or-eh-gON. I say Or-eh-giN. There IS an Oregon, WI & a some of my friends pronounce the state & place in
Oregon differently from eachother. I wouldn't say that 90% refuse to pronounce it properly -Chicago kids are pretty on top
of it, so it seems to me anyway. I would have to agree with the "TV talk" comment. My boyfriend & his friends
joke around by using slang & dragging out syllables, which he states he doesn't "know how these words & styles
ever came into our lives in the Midwest". I'd have to chalk that up to Cali (yes, I shortened it, get over it)talk &
the surfer/skater/stoner genre. This is general though. As for "warsh" I only remember a few incidents with a woman
from Missouri, & that's it. My mum was born & raised in California for the early part of her life (until junior high,
maybe?) & then lived in Indiana & around 20 or so moved to Oregon, she pronounces "house" like "haows",
that one I'm not sure how to spell. Kind of like "hose", but kinda aus-rauten -ey, very soft-like. Someone told
her it sounds Canadian, I says it either way. There's all this & sometimes much more behind how people speak. "Spendy"
? I've used it before.
Californication in Lower Cascadia 25.May.2005 18:33
Nagasaki link
Nice article, Yeti.
So far as the comment that we all talk like California surfers in Southern Oregon ie. Lower Cascadia ...
California-speak, is in fact, extremely common in Southern Oregon, but it's not the original type of language used in
the area. In the Rogue Valley, in particular, we are very much inundated by Californians. One recent poll suggested that about
85% of the people currently living in the Rogue Valley are either Californians or the children of Californians. That seems
pretty accurate because in my group of friends, only two are actually from the Rogue Valley, while the others are either originally
from California or elsewhere south. So that places "natives" (a term I'll use to indicate people with deeper local
roots opposed to outsiders. ie. Not Native Americans) in the genuine minority. People like myself, who actually have very
deep ancestral roots in the Rogue Valley, are in reality, very much a dying breed and the vast majority of us actually no
longer even live there. As the area becomes more and more what I personally refer to as the "pre-coffin" (ie. over
70% of the local population are senior citizens who for whatever reason decided that the Rogue Valley would be a great place
to spend their last years), with rising housing costs (both to rent or own) and rising unemployment in the area, it is becoming
damn difficult for "natives" of the area to actually live here. Pretty much, all of the money is held by outsiders
or "California immigrants" and the only way you can survive in the area is to become a self-starter (ie. work for
yourself or become more self-sustainable) As a consequence, you will find a lot of us in cities like Eugene, Salem, Portland
or Seattle.
As a consequence, with so many Californians and so few genuine locals, most people do seem very California, but genuine
"natives" of Southern Oregon speak the same way as people do in Portland or Seattle. We say "pop" opposed
to "soda". We say "bucket" opposed to "pail". On the other hand, we do we use the term "spendy".
My grandmother says "spendy" and she grew up here long before we were invaded by Californians and California-speak.
In the early 90's, I took my trade schooling in the Skagit Valley and lived in a dorm situation with people from all over
Cascadia and most of us spoke the same way.
One thing I do believe that differs between Southern Oregon and the rest of Cascadia is that we tend to speak very fast
compared to everyone else in the region. I know that I do it, my cousins do it, my mother and her sisters do it and to an
extent, my grandmother and her sisters. Other people with deep local roots also tend to do the same, much to the extent that
we make words run together. For example, if we say the city name of Grants Pass, there is no detectable pause between Grants
and Pass, nor is there a pause between Rogue and River in Rogue River. If we say Mount Mcloughlin, even that comes out like
one word and it's practically undecipherable to outsiders. That may be a German influence, as in Southern Oregon, about 90%
of the earliest families in the area were of Germanic backgrounds. Even in my family, though we are Slavs, my great grandfather's
first language was German since Bohemia was ruled by the Austro-Hungarian empire. The rest of Casacdia likely had a much wider
base of immigrants.
As for "Warshington", with an "r", the only people I've heard do that in any area of Cascadia tended
to be of advanced age and were typically the first generation in a family to come here. Most seem to have come in from the
Mid West.
As for Ingle's study, I agree with Gr@ce that 14 people really isn't adequate to prove much. On the other hand, you must
start somewhere and hopefully this can at least start the ball rolling. I do know that language is only one very small part
of the puzzle to prove a separate Cascadian identity.
To me, another common link between all Cascadians is our sense of independence. In Oregon we never call ourselves "Americans".
We are "Oregonians" first and foremost where as people in Washington are "North Westerners" first. The
only other people held captive by Amerikan borders who think that way as a common collective are people in Texas and California.
And it goes further, there is a common mentality in Cascadia to live life as free and independent as possible. That commonality
transcends social class, religion or politics. If you put a hippie and a redneck in a sealed room, sooner or later, both will
realize that they have much in common. Neither trusts the U.S. government, both desire to live independently without depending
on government aid or buying into corporations and both just want to do their thing and be left alone.
What other things are common bonds between Cascadians from all walks of life that fuses into an identity?
Do we eat the same food?
Do we think the same?
Do we believe in the same things?
Eastern Oregon/Southwestern Idaho = Cascadian accent? 25.May.2005 20:45
Scotty B. link
I grew up in Ontario, Oregon, which is right next to the Idaho border, and then later moved to Boise, and all the things
that are being said about Cascadian accents seem to apply to me as well. Would my area be considered part of Cascadia? One
thing I've noticed with me is that I tend to add an "a" sound to words when I don't think it's there according to
the spelling - for example, cemetary is "cem-a-terr-ee", military is "mill-a-terr-ee". Also, I've noticed
I leave syllabols out of some words, like for grocery store I say "gross-ree" store. I don't know if these are nationwide
things or things that are unique to this area! And all of the other commentary about how things are pronounced in the northwest
applies to me as well, which means that, linguisticly, eastern and western Oregon must be similar. (SIM-A-LER).
Idaho 25.May.2005 21:53
Nagasaki link
I spent part of my childhood in your neck of the woods and lived in New Plymouth and Caldwell, while my step-father's
parents lived in Ontario. I spent a lot of time there, as did my parents when they were children, but it has been years since
I've been back.
Often, Eastern Oregon and Idaho are not included in some of the Cascadia models. For one, there's the fact that most view
Cascadia as the region around the Cascades themselves. Two, I think a lot of people who live in the shadows of the Cascades
tend to view people in Eastern Oregon and Idaho as ultra-conservative and instantly assume that they either wouldn't be able
to relate to one another or that people there wouldn't support Cascadia as an individual entity (ie. that they would see themselves
as "Americans"). The fact that Idaho was recently tagged as a "red state" doesn't help matters much.
Personally, I tend to think that Cascadia includes not only Eastern Oregon, but also Western Idaho. In my experience,
most people over there talk the same way we do (excepting the few in very rural areas who have a very serious drawl, which
I personally think is a sort of put-on and came about more out of stereotypes than anything cultural or historical).
But for me, I pronounce cemetery and military EXACTLY like you do, and while I do eliminate the "e" in grocery,
for me it comes out alot more like "grosh-ree" and sounds a little German, which may be unique due to SW Oregon's
Germanic influences.
I think the biggest determining factor though is how do people there feel about being included in Cascadia?
Idaho to the Continental Divide 25.May.2005 22:56
Ecotopian Yeti link
I usually roll my eyes when I see a projection of Cascadia without Idaho, Northern California and even the rare absent
British Columbia. I agree with Nagasaki that ultimately that is the people of Idaho to determine what their future is. But
I will say this a "Cascadia" without our relatives and the lands of "Eastern Cascadia" would not be a
full Cascadia. The label of "red" and "blue" is a "divide and conquer" ploy and a smoke screen
by the corporate media and the fascist elite to ignore addressing real issues of sustainablity, human rights, restorative
justice, ecologically minded economies and all those things that a post industrial society should reflect on. A reflection
upon the endless carnage to indiginous people, minorities, the poor, the victims of sexism and racism and ecocide.
common accent 25.May.2005 23:09
Yeti link
Scotty, my family has been in western Washington and the Portland area for over a hundred years and well all those words
you mentioned like "cemetary" and "military" are the way we pronounce them too. As a child this whole
issue of pronounciation often came up in my family. We were one of those families that when we would be in the car would count
the Californian license plates saying "there is another one and other one". It was actually a family conversation
several times on the Oregon pronounciation (Washington State was always seen as the Northern Sister State) so the pronounciation
of "creek" was a huge issue and in many ways my first realization that the Pacific NorthWest was different.
There is something else which I noticed in 3 rd and 4th grade for me (several decades ago) and that was the correcting
of English in class by teachers over a specific word that I can not remember right now. Something like "brought"
and how all the local children in class used and pronounced it. Whatever the word was it was literally forced out of the grammer
by Californian teachers. It was at that time when i first played with the idea of a phonetic script.
added note about Californians 25.May.2005 23:30
Yeti link
before someone jumps on me about the "state divides" yes I realize that that is part of the game of divide and
conquer we are all the victims of. I apologies to any Cascadians born there who was offended. Cascadia must transcend the
old concept of borders and boundaries of outdated nation-states. Yes Cascadia has a cultural and historical landscape, but
its definition should not be based on political borders. Cascadia must transcend the nation-state paradigm to embrace bioregionalism.
mountainbike 26.May.2005 01:24
a cascadian link
My former companion would giggle and mock me on the way I would say "mountainbike" in a quick sentence. She
would claim I said it as "mountinbike" or something like that. She had one of the European accents and I would retaliate
by giggling over her trying to say the word "swivel chair" which she would say in a cute way as "swible chair".
Don't fprget the miners 26.May.2005 05:35
xenopatriot samarchist@gmail.com link
One of the most interestig things i've noticed about the accent in my home region (the Plateu region around Wilkeson and
Buckley) is how similar the accent and vocab is to Appalachia. Which figures, seeing as tons of coal miners were moved out
to that area in the late 1800s. I even catch myself saying "yonder" and "holler" (for a small valley)
at times, not to mention that it took a long time for me to train myself to stop saying "y'all" over here in Iceland,
largely because it made me sound like a friggin Texan. And no body in Europe likes Texans...
Military/Cemetary/Mountain bike 26.May.2005 08:20
Portlander link
I am a Portland native, lived there all my life. Most of my family is from the Rogue Valley though.
I also say Military and Cemetary the same way. I think I might pronounce it with the "i" instead of "a"
though if I were speaking formally. I couldn't tell you for sure though.
One commenter made me think of how I might pronounce "Mountain bike." Speaking formally I may say it correctly,
otherwise if I'm saying it casually I would probably say "Moun-iN bike"
Somewhere, deep in the the interior of Cascadia 26.May.2005 13:07
Not from there or here link
Somewhere, deep in the interior of Cascadia, in one of the coffeehouses that are indigenous to the region, yet have sprouted,
somewhat parasitically in the rest of the world, a lone writer persists.
Despite the overwhelming persistence of historical evidence showing that most "Cascadians" are relatively recent
immigrants (i.e. two hundred years ago their great-great-great grandparents were cozily sitting in Newark or Rome or Cedar
Rapids or San Cristobal), he decides: "I will create a nation."
With Callenbach as his new Herzel, he lists the elements necessary: land, a somewhat separate and sustainable economy,
a sense of self and....and...yes, we need a language, even just a dialect will do. That will unite us.
Fueled by enormous amounts of caffeine and nothing else to do with all this energy - work, family, meaningful political
activity and a love life don't figure in this equation - he strides forth into the brave world of the Web.
As he leaves his coffeeshop, hey, even barristas have to go home eventually, he walks over the unseen and little thought
of graves of the Chinook. His purpose in life is certain. Now if he can just find the phone number of those Aryan Nation folks
in Idaho.
"Moun-iN bike" 26.May.2005 13:11
a cascadian link
I made a mistake leaving the "t" in. When saying the word in a a causual conversation it is "Moun-iN bike".
no no no to the Aryan Nation 26.May.2005 15:48
Ecotopian Yeti link
You do realize that the white fascists in Idaho are mostly recent "transplants" from all over the US. They thought
they could make the Pacific NorthWest into their sick dream. They were driven out of Portland and hopefully one day will be
driven out of all Cascadia. All of the racist and sexist history in this region reflects the racist and sexism history of
the European expands to conquer the world and look what that has created oppression, genocide, ecocide, alienation, greed,
empire and suffering after suffering. The White inbreds of the Aryan Nation can go to hell! Just remember they moved here
from the other places of hate and suffering.
Cascadianism in not "nationalism"! It is bioregionalism that embraces biodiversity and diversity in culture
and thought as long as that thought is one of tolerance of the rest. Yes there is a unique dialect that can be called Cascadian
English, but may it NEVER express anything that Aryan-inbred Nation values!
Regarding the Aryan Nations... 26.May.2005 20:44
Scotty B. link
Actually, the Aryan Nations *were* driven out of Idaho, at least organization-wise. They had a lawsuit filed against them
for...I believe they assaulted or harassed a indigenous woman, and the woman and her son won $6 million in damages, which
the nazis couldn't pay and thus they forfeited their little compound up there. And then, I think a year or so ago the crazy
old man that was running the organization, Ray Butler, died, and the remaining nazis in the area set up camp in Kansas. Topeka,
I believe.
But I will note that racism is still a major problem in Idaho, probably moreso than in Oregon and Washington. Since I
moved here (from E. Oregon) I've noticed a huge amount of "casual" racism, where people tell racist jokes or make
assumptions without even realizing that what they're doing is wrong. Racial profiling is a problem.
All in all, I think western Idaho shares a lot with Oregon and Washington, moreso then the rest of the mountain west.
Mormonism isn't quite as prominent as in other areas, altough it's becoming more of a force in the suburbs of Boise. People
aren't as likely to have a set political affilation here, and independent thinking is still fairly common, altough it's declined
over the past few years. Boise passed a resolution against the Patriot Act, and a conservative Idaho representative, Butch
Otter, who is AWFUL on everything else, is one of the main opponents of the Patriot Act. And in Boise, there's a surprisingly
large number of independent coffeehouses and other businesses, and there's been a Co-Op here (creatively called the Boise
Co-Op), since 1974.
Now, as far as getting people here to support being in Cascadia...that would probably be harder. Our streets are littered
with yellow car magnets.
replace yellow car magnets with Proud to be Cascadian: Support Local Economy 27.May.2005 02:18
Ecotopian Yeti link
"Proud to be Cascadian: Support Local Economy" bumpersticker should help. I would suggest making these with
friends and telling people its ok to have the yellow "support our troops" sticker next to the "Proud to be
Cascadian: Support Local Economy".... As time continues I would bet eventually you could see more of the Cascadian stickers
especially as farmers and local merchants push against Wall-mart and other imperialist companies. Why would someone be against
supporting local economy.. and as for being "Cascadian" well explain to them are "Southerners" not Americans
too and they have pride in their region. After all we are all "Americans".. North Americans that is... (hehe)
making these stickers
Well these stickers I made are free. Which means you or whomever will have to make them (sell them as for all I care).
Please tell me how they turn out. I will post several ways to make them with URL to the instructions:
after printing a potential sticker out on a color printer (maybe at a local copy center if one does not have a color printer)
then as one site says:
2. Print it on Avery 5165 label stock
, or any other kind of Full-Sheet Label Paper stock. (NOTE that you should use a LaserJet printer instead of a bubblejet
or other printer - this will ensure that the ink won't run in the rain. If you don't have access to a LaserJet printer, your
local Kinkos has Laser copiers - it is cheap and easy.)
3. Cut them into three pieces.
(The Avery 5165 - or otherwise, full-sheet label stock - is available at any office supply store (even online) such as
OfficeDEPOT, and will cost you less than $30 for 100 sheets - which will make 300 stickers! Or you can buy 25 sheets for less
than $10. That's only 10 to 12 cents per sticker!)
1. TAG ONLY BUMPERS, DO NOT TAG A PAINTED SURFACE! Plastic type bumpers should not be tagged as people have claimed that
the finish can be marred by the bumper sticker. Please put the sticker on the bottom of the rear window of such SUV's. Make
sure you put it on the bottom of the window so as to not obstruct the rear view vision of the driver.
2. Dirty bumpers don't work... wipe of the excess grime before you tag an SUV - it is handy to bring a rag with you.
3. When you place the stickers on the bumper, rub it a few times to make sure it is really stuck on there good.
4. NOTE: If you use the Avery stock, when you remove the backing, some of the stickers may have a little corner that you
have to remember to remove.
*Choosing to download and use these stickers is your own choice, and the liability and responsibility for doing no damage
to SUVs is yours.
( http://www.idontcareaboutair.com/bumpers/create.shtml )
Proud to be Cascadian: Support Local Economy
i'll wager... 27.May.2005 11:12
me again link
i'll wager quitea bit. since i am relatively certain that I was born in Oregon, real close to the proposed site for LNG,
if that gives you any hints.
this topic is still tremendously lame.
"me" 27.May.2005 12:10
Ecotopian Yeti link
If this is so lame why do you return and read it? The front page post of it is down the site and the original publishing
on the side bar is now in the archives. So it must attract you for some reason. If it was so lame then you would not even
bother responding.
no accent... 27.May.2005 19:09
ex-PDX link
many people I have talked to all over the country (I do telesales, and they call me...) say I have no accent. Which in
my mind is the Cascadian accent. But since I've been living in AZ, there's been a bit of a twang added to it, but not hick
Accents are great, they give region a quickly identifiable identity and uniqueness. How that falls is up to the receiver.
Neither here, nor there and without any real clue ... 27.May.2005 21:05
Nagasaki link
For the record, the Aryan Nation has never been that prominent in Northern Idaho and as Yeti has pointed out, most traces
of the Aryan Nation in Idaho have actually come from outside of the region. Their leader, the late Richard Butler was raised
in and spent most of his life in California, not Idaho. In fact, the presence of the Aryan Nation in Idaho was actually barely
known outside the state until 1992, when 400 federal agents converged on an isolated cabin on Ruby Ridge in Northern Idaho
belonging to Randy Weaver and his family, which led to the death of several members of Weaver's family. As Weaver had some
racist views, he was easily vilified in the Amerikan media and had his name easily attached to the Aryan Nation in the course
of the US government covering its ass, much the same way that they did at Waco a few years later. Idaho became forever associated
with racism after that fact, even though the group has not been based in Idaho for the last four years. Despite Idaho's connection
to white supremacy, a fairly large portion of the population is actually of Mexican descent. For example, when I went to elementary
school in Idaho, I remember that about 80% of my classmates were of Mexican ancestry.
So, Idaho is hardly over-flowing with white supremacists. They are no greater in number in Idaho than in any other area.
As Scotty pointed out, there is a lot of casual racism in Idaho, but you can find that anywhere. It doesn't matter where you
live, what color or what nationality you are, you will always find racism until we can stomp it out.
Regarding Callenbach, the biggest problem with your dig against him and Cascadia as an entity, is that Callenbach did
not originate the term Cascadia nor did he pioneer the concept. A sociologist at Seattle University by the name of David McClosky
actually coined the name "Cascadia". As well, Callenbach does not (and as far as I know, never has) lived in Cascadia.
He lives in the Bay Area, which is rarely included in any Cascadian model. Further, Callenbach did not originate the concept
behind Cascadia, but he merely believed this region was the ideal place to set a novel about an Ecotopian society. Callenbach's
two Ecoptopia novels have certainly furthered the idea of Cascadia and to a large extent have inspired many versions of the
dream, but he did not invent the idea of an Independent Pacific NW.
The fact of the matter is, the goal of creating a separate country in the Pacific NorthWest began long before Oregon or
Washington became U.S. states. Based on written history, Thomas Jefferson may have been the first person of any particular
note to envision it. When Jefferson (as President) sent Lewis and Clark to explore the region, he had no design on expanding
the borders of the United States into the western portion of North America. The reality is that Jefferson just wanted to explore
the place for himself, but as he could not do that personally, he sent someone to do it for him. At the time, there were already
settlers of European descent in the region, mostly of English, French and Russian nationality. For the most part (excepting
some Russian atrocities in the Aleutians a few years earlier), these early settlers got on quite well with the natives and
lived together peacefully. They learned bits and pieces of one another's languages (thereby creating Chinook Jargon) and regularly
inter-married with one another. (ie. Most of these early settlers took natives for wives, hence their children were of both
Native American and European heritage). The situation intrigued Jefferson since it was a polar opposite of what was going
on in the United States and he had an idea that the region should not come under the control of any established country, but
should instead become its own nation. He suggested that the new country be called the Republic of the Pacific, which would
be a neighbor of the United States and of Mexican California. That was over 200 years ago.
Unfortunately, Jefferson's dream to allow the NW to progress on its own terms was not shared by other leaders. Eventually,
with France and Russia ousted, the region (now dubbed the Oregon Territory) was shared jointly by the United States and England
in 1818 after the Treaty of London. Most people do not realize this, but the signs are still here in the guise of the remains
of several English forts. Another sign of the English influence lies with John McLoughlin, who is today considered the "Father
of Oregon". McLoughlin wasn't an American, but in reality was a Canadian who worked for the English and he was under
orders to discourage American interests in the region, which he completely disregarded as he was concerned for the plight
of all people who came to settle in the region. He was rewarded for his sympathy with constant problems from American immigrants
and later from the U.S. government who considered him a British agent confiscated his property and home.
Meanwhile, even though two nations had assumed "custody" over the NW, the dream for a new country did not die.
Three men in the 1830's led the drive to make Oregon (which then included all areas which we think of as Cascadia) a new country,
which included Lansford Hastings, William Bennett and James Marshall. But as Americans continued to pour in, trouble erupted
which made not only Native Americans second class citizens, but also British, French and Canadians prone to similar treatment.
Having been overpowered by American influence, the three men fled to California. Interestingly enough, the three did play
major roles in California's history. Bennett was involved in the bear Flag Revolution and Marshall is credited with having
discovered gold while he supervised the construction of Sutter's Mill. Meanwhile, Hastings became the most notorious after
compiling the shoddy guidebook that doomed the Donner Party.
Still, even after Oregon became a U.S. state, elements among its population (and also in Northern California) sought to
break free of American rule to form their own country from the very beginning of Oregon's statehood. While the Southern States
broke free to form the Confederacy, they saw it as a perfect opportunity to do the same and gave new life to Jefferson's original
idea, by trying to establish a country under Jefferson's name: the Republic of the Pacific which soon began to spread quickly
in the physical region. Being at war with the confederacy and not being in a position to put the movement in the NorthWest
down by use of force, the American government launched a propaganda attack in 1861 to destroy the movement by trying to associate
the Pacific movement with a group called the Knights of The Golden Circle which was a pro-Confederate, pro-slavery organization.
Soon, the American government was able to whip the region back into line.
At the same time, other movements inside of Cascadia, such as the Klamath movement, Trinity and Jackson movements all
sought to wrench certain areas of Cascasdia free from U.S. control. These too failed, largely by being put down through various
uses of force.
But the dream refused to die and was followed by yet another attempt to free Oregon from Amerikan rule in the 1890's.
In the 1930's, the State of Jefferson movement came into being and is to date, the best known of such movements in the
region. On the surface, that movement appeared to be a drive to tear SW Oregon and Northern California away from California
and Oregon. As this is historically a depressed area), many locals placed the blame on the governments of Salem and Sacramento.
For that reason, a flag bearing two X's and a gold pan was adopted. The two X's represented the so-called "double crosses"
from Sacramento and Salem. Though that is the State of Jefferson movement on the surface, many of those who organized it actually
saw that the problems in "Jefferson" actually stemmed from the federal government and those people saw Jefferson
statehood as a stepping stone to eventually breaking free from U.S. rule altogether. During 1940 and 1941, organizers attracted
massive media attention by arming themselves and blockading Highway 99 to the south of Yreka where they collected tolls from
motorists and passed out proclamations of independence. When a California Highway Patrolman turned up on the scene, he was
told to "get down the road back to California". And they almost succeeded in their goal, with local representatives
scheduled to meet with Congress on December 8th, 1941. As a result of Pearl Harbor on December 7th, the issue was tabled and
after Japanese firebombs exploded in Oregon, killing several people, the entire movement faded away to support the war. (On
that note, there is today, a new State of Jefferson, but the emphasis seems to be completely on statehood and is of a much
more conservative brand than that previous)
But, once again, in 1956, groups from Cave Junction and Dunsmuir wreaked major havoc on the state and national level by
threatening to tear SW Oregon and Northern California from their respective state rulers to form the "State of Shasta".
Several of the organizers involved took it one step further and threatened the federal government with armed resistance unless
certain demands were met. Unfortunately, the organizers quickly caved in when both states offered to meet some of their demands.
And today, we have many small groups supporting the movement for Cascadia.
So you see, we have a very long tradition of opposing the United States in this region and Callenbach is relatively small
cookies in the big picture. His novels simply serve as a small inspiration for what could be.
excellent Nagasaki 27.May.2005 23:27
Ecotopian Yeti link
Excellent excellent.. most people in our own region do not know our history.
Added notes:
John McLoughlin himself was a typical European settler in the area in the since that his own wife was Native American.
On 2 May 1843 the Provisional Government of Oregon was formed at Champoeg. This government was formed because of a combination
of Wolf Meetings and a legal dispute over a family inheretance case. The Hudson bay company sent 52 representives to stop
the US attempt to change the political landscape. The US-Americans had 50 voters. Two of the Hudson Bay voters were actually
French Fur traders from San Fransisco who had some grievences with their British employers and were convinced by the US-Americans
to vote against the English. But this vote did not make a Oregon a member of "United States" nor even a exclusive
territory, but a Provisional Government. It was not until July 5th that an ultra pro-American group pushed an admendment to
the Organic Act to undermined the Independence movement with "until such time as the USA extend their jurisdiction over
Osborne Russell who was a major candidate running for for the office to be the first Provisional Governor of Oregon strongly
opposed Oregon becoming part of the United States. Russell was a famous trader in the region (his book on this experiences
is still in print and is crucial in understanding the relationship of those first Europeans with the Native People). Eventually
George Abernethy from New York won out with support from the "American" party. The time was far more political than
the white washed US-American version tells us. Russell with the Hudson Bay Company backing favoured the Jeffersonian geopolitical
concept of a Pacific Republic.
just an added note about the word "Cascadian" 28.May.2005 01:45
Ecotopian Yeti link
The word "Cascadian" (referring to the Cascades) actually pre-dates McClosky's use of "Cascadia".
The term "Cascadian" is also a archtectual style reflecting (like the people) a wonder and awe of the Nature of
this region. The term "Cascadian" can be found back the era of the Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) for the art
style in the Pacific NorthWest. For Portlanders the best example of Cascadian style is TImberline Lodge. Again as in previous
posts I think our labour, unionist and "left" history which has been so "whitewashed" out of our history
book after the McCarthy Era is crucial in our recovery of our history and sense of uniqueness. The CCC left profound cultural
and literally physical marks on the landscapes of Cascadia and as our elders pass away much of that history is not being told.
Ofcourse I am one who strongly believe we must bring back a new Civilian Conservation Corp (I would like to call that
Mamook Tillums or the Working People in Chinook) as a educational mentor-apprenticeship service that is combination a college,
community service and employment program.
links to Cascadian style:
oooops not tillums but Tillicums 28.May.2005 02:18
Yeti link
because of my large primate digits that are used mostly for collecting grub, roots and berries as well as moss constructed
arts I sometimes slip with my fingers on the typing machine.
so correction: Tillicums
The Mamook Tillicums .. Working People or Doing Tribe or Working Tribe
By the way last week or the week before I saw a post on the JACC idea ... well the Mamook Tillicum could be a means to
training those JACCs if Cascadians ever got off their asses and wanted that.
pronunciation of Kaleetan 14.Jun.2005 07:07
Kim bongocomm@comcast.net link
Can anyone please tell me the correct pronounciation of Kaleetan?
Something else?
